Revision Hub

The resources added below can help you revision both as you get nearer your exams, and as you ensure you can remember content covered in lessons.

The key is build a routine and good habits as soon as you can, but be realistic and don't stress.

Revision Top Tips:

1) Create a revision timetable (templates are on this page)

2) Allocate revision slots to each subject. Make sure you prioritise subjects which you need to improve in the most!

3) Make sure you allocate yourself reasonable time for breaks, meals, exercise and leisure.

4) Set yourself realistic targets and work diligently to complete them.

6) Don't just read your textbook... Make notes and test yourself. Attempt plenty of questions and past papers in test conditions.

7) Try to fit in everything you need to and do your very best to stick to your schedule!

8) Remember to stay positive! You will feel better when you are productive and achieve your targets.

9) Aim to do your very best. That is the most anybody can ask of you!

Revision Timetable Templates
